
I was listening to someone talk in the lounge saying they would never leave this area.  Her husband was offered an amazing opportunity and they said no as it wasn’t in the city.  Their kid was going to college and they begged to have them closer to home and now they think they might return to the same city.   

I guess this idea of staying in one place for life or not entertaining moving for career or home is foreign to me.  I’ve moved around and met new people my whole life.  Freinds of the long term capacity can be hard to come by.  However, within the military life of moving i found lifetime friends.  I know moving has allowed me to make friends around the country and understand different types of people, culture, and demographics. 

I tend to think anyone could do the locum life if they were so inclined but I’m learning that the more rigidly settled a person is the less likely for them to do locums.  Per diem in multiple hospitals in the area might be their perfect gig and while it may be 1099 it is unlikely to be billed as locum.  Others find a w-2 job that will allow them to work 2 full time jobs.  I see them race from call shift to call shift and i wonder how they do it when i know how it feels working 60-80 hour weeks and how lovely it can be at 40 hours.   

I think it all comes down to motivation.  Part of my motivation is to keep up in all areas of practice so I’m well rounded.  My goal is to be flexible, work a fair amount and over.  I want to be capable of going into any room and being comfortable.   I love new sights and allowing family to see all that surrounds us and our opportunities as we grow together.  Others, look for safe, secure, & what is known.  Others look for moving up the ladder of success in leadership, research or business as they grow and that is their motivation.   

Its fun to learn where people are in life.  Then it is nice to remember those people and in going to new places meet those who might also mesh well with others and who might build people up to their potential.   

So, dream big and bring others along the journey.  Find a passion and a motivation!