Another 6 Great Reasons to be a Locum CRNA

Hello to everyone,

I have been a locum for a long time and when asked why I would normally say one of a few reasons but here are my top 6 most significant reasons I love Locum Life.

  1. I have time with my family when I need it. I don’t always get a ton of time off and I have been working extra for the first 6 months of the year but now. I am taking time for them. I was off last week and unfortunately my great uncle passed away after an amazingly well lived life. I have time and ability to spend with my family before heading back to work next week.

  2. No politics. Now, I don’t mean democrat or republican and that stuff… although I’m thankful not to be involved in that race. Hospital environments stir up emotions and who likes who or what’s happening behind the scenes. I don’t like to get set into I work with this person but not that one. I love going into work and saying what’s on the schedule and getting through another good day and asking if there is anything I could do better for them.

  3. I have the ability to work on my side projects. takes up enormous time and energy but I give it to you. I want people to know and enjoy this lifestyle and work-life balance that can be had. But there is a lot to it.

    Real Estate- I love the Single Family Rentals and working with family to take care of the families we work with and rent to. It’s a long and slow process that will hopefully allow me even more time with my family in the coming years.

    YouTube- Francisco and I are both working on our own channels and providing good content mixed with our own websites and facebook pages. Currently, we have these as hobbies and hope that someday they will work for us to some extent. But, it’s fun for now.

  4. Vacation- This is the one most people think about. They want time to spend with their family and usually about summer time they think I want time off to do what I want when I want. This is why summer is one of my busiest times as a locum. That said Francisco, Elizabeth and I have made plans for vacations, seeing family, and spending time together as a family. It is crucial to get some head-space and get away from work. Locums provides an opportunity to visit some different cities and locations around the US though and may allow for some road trips if you plan accordingly.

  5. Variety- I haven’t found the position that has a perfect mix of cases. I love my variety. I want to keep my skills up from basic blocks, epidurals, spinals, OB, pediatrics, Hearts and vascular, to trauma and more. I don’t find places that will allow a well rounded CRNA. More and more I find that CRNAs get stuck in a niche within the hospital. Each place I go to for a reason and a skill set.

  6. Financial- Yes there are some benefits to being flexible, working a ton of hours when a place asks, tax savings, and retirement possibilities with proper planning. That said there are more expenses that people don’t account for. These include things like travel time to and from assignments, wear and tear on automobiles, business licensing, accountants, attorneys for contracts, licensing in multiple states, CEUs with different state requirements, credentialing time, insurances and individual hospital/group requirements are all just tip of the iceberg items.